Altarea shares
Altarea shares, which were first floated on the stock market at the end of 2004, are listed in Compartment A of Euronext Paris. Altarea is included in the IEIF SIIC France and IEIF Reit Europe indices.
Fact sheet
- Place of listing: Euronext Paris
- Market: Compartment A
- Ticker: ALTA
- Isin: FR0000033219
- Reuters: IMAF.PA
- Bloomberg: ALTAFP
- Indices: CAC AllShares, IEIF SIIC France, IEIF Reit Europe, IEIF Foncières CAC Small Index
- Outstanding shares: 20,736,822
- LEI: 969500ICGCY1PD6OT783
Data as at 18 September 2023

